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27,09 €
“Sarbatoare a iubirii
Peste suflete si inimi
Ziua noastra romaneasca
Dragostea sa o vorbeasca”
- Printed T-shirt WHAT WE HAVE IS MAGNETIC made of natural cotton with an original artwork, which redesigns in an unconventional way a symbol or an authentic icon.
- Every t-shirt comes with a handmade bracelet with the colors of the Romanian flag.
- Each t-shirt is packed in a box with a lid (lid colors: blue, yellow, red), which makes it the perfect gift.
- And if we are talking about gifts, a Personal Note is definitely an excellent idea. The personal note is like a small greeting card, handwritten with the message sent by the client. The personal note is attached only at the client’s request, either while placing the order online or by email(office@fuyor.ro), before sending the order.
- Signed @ fuyor.ro
- Limited edition.
- For other printed t-shirts click here.
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